Mountain Vistas


From the mountain side trails, from roads and paths through the notches, and from other peaks,

one gets to know the peaks and passes just as one gets to know the houses on one’s own street!

And yet, they remain always intriguing, always inviting another hike, another drive, another trip.

Zealand Notch   Pastel 12X18    $350

With Z-cliff and Zealand to the left, Ethan Pond Trail travels north through the notch with Hart Mt. as the vista.

Zealand hut is the small white spot in the island of evergreens between Zealand and Hart.

Cathedral Ledge  (Look for climbers here)

Pastel  9X12

Frankenstein Cliff    Pastel   9X12

(seen from 302 near Crawford Notch)

See also the painting/writing project

entitled Notches to the North

Notches to the North    Pastel  12x18   $350

Chocorua from Liberty Trail

9 x 12  Oil  

But hikers know!

Views on the way up and near the top seem never to be what you might expect when looking from the distance, especially on Chocorua. That pointed peak seen from Liberty Trail rounds itself out, though it still seems steep, and nearing the top on Brook Trail, two peaks rather than one,with neither as intimidating as the pointed lakeside view!

Chocorua from Brook Trail 8x10  Oil

Liberty Peak

on the Franconia Ridge Trail

Pastel 18 x 12

Looking North from Crawford  Pastel 12x18

Where’s Mt Washington?

Pastel 8 x 10    $50

To be completely honest,

any collection of mountain vistas should include the one where the view is blocked by clouds.

How many people have visited Denali, Mt. Rainier, and yes, Mt. Washington,

only to see the clouds or mist that shroud it?

Lakes of the Clouds (from the Rock Pile)  Pastel   18x24 

(another view from Crawford Path   For further explanation, Click HERE

Mountains to Climb and Much to See     Oil  on panel   24”  x  48”   $1100

The vista is from Wildcat Mountain, at the top of the x-country ski trail that leads down into Jackson, looking towards Kearsarge North in the distance, with Double Head slightly to the left.

IF YOU DON’T  HIKE MOUNTAINS you can still get to this peak! Just take the

Gondola up Wildcat at the Wildcat ski area, summer and fall for everyone.